Save Lives

The topic in this semester was to create a campaign to underline the importance of first aid, most important Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and raise the awareness of people to engage in an emergency to possibly save a life.

Joao Heleno Duarte Reanimation Campaign


Joao Heleno Duarte

Most campaigns about diseases, accidents, and medical issues make use of dramatic imagery related to death and danger. This campaign wants to arouse attention in an emotional way. We all are familiar with superheroes. Colorful, fantastic, powerful beings of human virtues and capabilities. Not only highly-skilled, strong, and smart, superheroes are always prompt to help. What we often forget is that we can be superheroes, too. And that is what the #CPR-Heroes campaign is about. This campaign is conceived to be both: shared on social media and displayed on the streets.

Joao Heleno Duarte Save Lives Poster
Joao Heleno Duarte Save Lives Campaign Poster
Joao Heleno Duarte CPR Hero Poster
Joao Heleno Duarte Reanimation Poster
Joao Heleno Duarte CPR Hero Website
Joao Heleno Duarte CPR Hero Website Themes
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Jana Uhlig Interactive Poster

Save Dreams

Jana Uhlig

What are the things connected to a person’s death we cannot directly see, feel or fully grasp when life ends? A whole unique world of imagination, containing all the dreams, all the plans, and memories of a person are gone. The basic idea of this campaign is to visualize those dreams. They become part of an interactive poster series displayed on a large touchscreen. The screen shows some instructions and after that an activation button appears in the center. Only if the button is continuously touched in the right CPR-rhythm, elements of a person’s dream will appear step by step. In this way, the user is enabled to metaphorically reanimate a person and bring their dreams back to life.

Jana Uhlig Save Lives Interactive Citylight
Jana Uhlig Explanation Poster Save Lives
Jana Uhlig Poster Michaels Dreams
Jana Uhlig Poster Save Lives
Jana Uhlig Start Poster Save Lives
Jana Uhlig Poster with Illustrations Save Lives
Jana Uhlig Save Lives Interactive Poster
Jana Uhlig Mobile App Startscreen
Jana Uhlig Mobile Version
Jana Uhlig Mobile Campaign
Jana Uhlig Mobile App
Jana Uhlig Billboard Save Lives
Joao Heleno Duarte Resuscitation Poster

Resuscitation is possible

Joao Heleno Duarte

This campaign deals with famous persons who died and came back to life. It spreads the message that with resuscitation you can do the same: bring people back to life.

Joao Heleno Duarte Reanimation Poster
Joao Heleno Duarte Bring them back Poster
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Would you?

Hernan Lozano Guerrero

People only care about an emergency when they can empathize. Most people care much more if an emergency happens to someone they know. This concept sensitizes people and makes them realize that the possibility of a heart attack of someone close to them exists. The campaign consists of an interactive installation in public spaces. Standing on a specific point in front of a digital screen, a person connects via their mobile phone and sees a picture of someone familiar from their contacts displayed on the screen. Through a sequence of screen animations, the platform shows a statistic about heart attacks and it tells the user that their contact could be one of the victims. To prevent this, the platform connects the user’s phone to a website with further information about reanimation automatically.

Hernan Lozano Guerrero Campaign
Hernan Lozano Guerrero Interactive Campaign
Hernan Lozano Guerrero Campaign Citylight
Hernan Lozano Guerrero personalized Campaign
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Dead Ish

Kerstin Brasseler, Louise Blank & Becky Mount

This campaign aims to evolve around a mobile game, in which the player can actively save a life by journeying through a fictive reality. Indirectly the game explains that dying of cardiac arrest is avoidable and unnecessary and it trains the player in the basic principles surrounding resuscitation. Whilst it is impossible to instruct a person in resuscitation expertly with a mobile game, it is possible though to explain how important a fast reaction, patient and persistence is. By using a mobile game as a transmitter of information the manner of transmit remains playful and free of uncomfortable truths. With the characters involved, cardiac arrest and resuscitation are personified, invoking emotions and links in real life. The goal of the game is not to strictly educate, not to throw statistics and a bad conscience at the player, but to subliminally inform and raise awareness about resuscitation.

Brasseler Mount Blank Game Playing
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Instructions
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Animation
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Button Design
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Levels
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Levels
Brasseler Mount Blank Mobile Game
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Design
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Typography
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Colors
Brasseler Mount Blank Main Character
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Character Illustration
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Monster Character
Brasseler Mount Blank Game Monster Character
Marie Wilsch Learn CPR Campaign
Marie Wilsch Poster Campaign

Hands save Lives

Marie Willsch

The message of the campaign is that you can do a lot of daily things with two hands. But with two hands you can also save a life – by doing resuscitation. The poster series shows a sage of different everyday things and objects that are used easy, fast and with two hands. Each object is combined with a fitting slogan to communicate the simplicity of helping by doing CPR. For recognition value, the campaign has its own adapted logo.

Marie Wilsch Poster Series
Marie Wilsch Two Hands can save a live
Marie Wilsch Reanimation Campaign
Marie Wilsch Save Lives Citylight
Marie Wilsch Campaign Logo
Video abspielen

Press Heart

Nahee Park & Yejin Woo

The purpose of this Instagram campaign is that people do not only push the heart on Instagram but also in reality, in real emergencies. Nahee Park and Yejin Woo developed a video for Instagram which shows a reanimation. They created a story connected to the SNS-world talking about the fact that people are indifferent to other people in reality compared to virtual places. For instance, people easily push the heart button on other people’s posts on Instagram or Facebook. But in the real world, we easily ignore so many people who are in trouble. In that respect, the idea of this project is that people push the real heart not only the heart on SNS.

Nahee Park Yejin Woo Reanimation Campaign
Nahee Park Yejin Woo Heart Attack Campaign
Nahee Park Yejin Woo Pixel Animations
Nahee Park Yejin Woo Instagram Animations
Julia Weber 3 Minutes Campaign

3 Minutes

Julia Weber

After three minutes of heart attack, the brain gets irreversibly damaged. The purpose of this campaign is to make people aware of immediate reanimation at heart attack situations. The help of a bystander is most important because the ambulance could take up to 17 minutes. Quick action means immediate help. Three minutes is a short time but can save a life. The campaign focuses on daily actions people do in three minutes.

Julia Weber Reanimation Campaign
Julia Weber Heart Attack Poster
Julia Weber Recuscitation Campaign
Julia Weber Save Lives Campaign Material
Julia Weber Social Media Campaign
Julia Weber 3 Minutes Billboard